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  1. Advances in Probabilistic Graphical Models. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin, 2007, P. J. F. Lucas, J.A. Gamez and A. Salmerón, 213, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing.
  2. Tangram: model-based integration and testing of complex high-tech systems. 2007, G. J. Tretmans, Eindhoven, Embedded Systems Institute,
  3. Testing of Software and Communicating Systems - 19^th IFIP TC 6/WG 6.1 Int.\ Conference, TestCom 2007, 7^th Int.\ Workshop, FATES 2007. A. Petrenko, M. Veanes, J. Tretmans and W. Grieskamp, 2007, LNCS, 4581, Springer-Verlag.
  4. Testing of software and communicating systems: 19th IFIP TC 6/WG 6.1 int'l conf.\@ TestCom 2007, and 7th int'l workshop FATES 2007. 2007, A. Petrenko, M. Veanes, G. J. Tretmans and W. Grieskamp, 4581, LNCS, Berlin, Springer.
  5. R. Baguma, P. van Bommel and T. Wanyama. Relating visual disability and the web. Proceedings of Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications - ITA'07, V. Grout, D. Oram and R. Picking, 2007, 79-87, North East Wales Institute.
  6. R. Baguma, P. van Bommel and T. Wanyama. Web accessibility in Uganda: a study of webmaster perceptions. Proceedings of 3rd Annual International Conference on Computing and ICT Research (SREC'07), 2007, 183-197, Kampala.
  7. P. M. Achten, M. C. J. D. van Eekelen, M. J. de Mol and M. J. Plasmeijer. An Arrow based semantics for interactive applications. Preliminary Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming, TFP '07, 2007, Marco Morazán, New York, NY, USA, 2-4,  April.
  8. P.M. Achten. Clean for Haskell98 Programmers - A Quick Reference Guide -. July 13, 2007, \scriptsize
  9. Z. Andrews, J. Fitzgerald and M. H. G. Verhoef. Resilience modelling through discrete eventand continuous time co-simulation. Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP internationalconference on dependable systems and networks: DSN07, 2007, DSN Fast Abstract.
  10. F. Arbab, F. S. de Boer, M. Bonsangue, M. Lankhorst M., H. A. Proper and L. van der Torre. Integrating Architectural Models. Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, 2007, 2, 40-57, 1.
  11. R. Baguma, P. van Bommel and T. Wanyama. Accessibility of E-government web sites for people with disabilities in Uganda. 2007, Nairobi, Proceedings of the International Computer Science and ICT Conference , 104-115.
  12. J. K. Berendsen, B. Gebremichael, M. Zhang and Vaandrager, F. W.. Formal specification and analysis of zeroconf using Uppaal. Radboud University, 2007, ICIS-R07032, Nijmegen, December.
  13. J. K. Berendsen and F. W. Vaandrager. Compositional abstraction in real-time model checking. Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University, 2007, ICIS-R07027, Nijmegen, November,
  14. P. van Bommel, P. G. Buitenhuis, S. B. J. Hoppenbrouwers A. and H. A. Proper. Architecture Principles: A Regulative Perspective on Enterprise Architecture. Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA2007), 2007, M. Reichert, S. Strecker and K. Turowski, 119, Lecture Notes in Informatics, 47-60, Bonn, Germany, Oktober, Gesellschaft für Informatik.
  15. P. van Bommel, S. B. J. A. Hoppenbrouwers, H. A. Proper and Th. P. van der Weide. On the Use of Object-Role Modeling For Modeling Active Domains. 123-145, IGI Publishing, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, 2007, K. Siau, Research Issues in System Analysis and Design, Databases and Software Development (Advances in Database Research).
  16. P. van Bommel, S. J. B. A. Hoppenbrouwers and Proper, H. A.. QoMo: A Modelling Process Quality Framework based on SEQUAL. Radboud University Nijmegen, 2007, ICIS-R07007, March.
  17. P. van Bommel, S. J. B. A. Hoppenbrouwers, Proper, H. A. and T. P. van der Weide. QoMo: A Modelling Process Quality Framework based on SEQUAL. 2007, H.A. Proper, T.A. Halpin and J. Krogstie, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD'07), held in conjunctiun with the 19th Conference on Advanced Information Systems (CAiSE'07), Trondheim, Norway, 118-127, June.
  18. P. van Bommel, H. A. Proper and Th. P. van der Weide. Information coverage in advisory brokers. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2007, 22, 1155-1188, 11, New York, New York, USA, 10.1002/int.v22:11, John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
  19. P. van Bommel, H. A. Proper and Th. P. van der Weide. Structured Modeling with uncertainty. Radboud University Nijmegen, 2007, Technical Report, ICIS-R07022, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Institute for Information and Computing Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen.
  20. P. van Bommel, B. van Gils, H. A. Proper, van Vliet, M. and Th. P. van der Weide. Value and the information market. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2007, 61, 153-175, 1.
  21. P. F. A. van den Bosch, G. Muller, M. H. G. Verhoef and O. Florescu. Modeling of hardware software performance of high-tech systems. Proceedings of the seventeenth annual international INCOSE symposium, 2007, INCOSE,
  22. E. Brinksma and J. J. M. Hooman. Dependability for high-tech systems: an industry-as-laboratory approach. Radboud University, 2007, ICIS-R07030, Nijmegen, December.
  23. E. L. van den Broek, T. E. Schouten and P. M. F. Kisters. Modeling human color categorization. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2007, 29, 1136-1144, 8, 10.1016/j.patrec.2007.09.006,
  24. C.A.M. Schurink, S. Visscher, P. J. F. Lucas, H.J. van Leeuwen, E. Buskens, R.G. Hoff, A.I.M. Hoepelman and M.J.M. Bonten. A Bayesian decision-support system for diagnosing ventilator-associated pneumonia. Intensive Care Medicine, 2007, 33, 1379-1386, 10.1007/s00134-007-0728-6.
  25. R. Canetti, L. Cheung, D. Kaynar, N. Lynch and O. Pereira. Compositional security for task-PIOAs. Proceedings 20th IEEE computer security foundations symposium (CSF'07), 2007, 125-139, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, IEEE Computer Society,
  26. L. Cheung, M. I. A. Stoelinga and F. W. Vaandrager. A testing scenario for probabilistic processes. Journal of the ACM, 2007, 54, 6.
  27. G. J. N. M. Chorus, Y. H. C. Janse, C. J. P. Nellen, S. J. B. A. Hoppenbrouwers and H. A. Proper. Formalizing Architecture Principles using Object-Role Modelling. Via Nova Architectura, 2007, February,
  28. D. Borrione, A. Helmy, L. Pierre and J. Schmaltz. A Generic Model for Verifying NoC Communication Architectures: A Case Study. 2007, First International Symposium on Networks on Chips (NOCS'07), 127-136, IEEE Press Society, Princeton, NJ.
  29. A. P. G. C. van Dongen and G. J. Tretmans. The Tangram transfer projects: from research to practice. Tangram: model-based integration and testing of complex high-tech systems, 2007, G. J. Tretmans, 199-207, Eindhoven, Embedded Systems Institute, 15,
  30. M. C. J. D. van Eekelen and M. J. de Mol. Proving lazy folklore with mixed lazy/strict semantics. 2007, E. Barendsen, V. Capretta, J. H. Geuvers and M. Niqui, Nijmegen, December  17,, Reflections on type theory, λ-calculus, and the mind: essays dedicated to Henk Barendregt on the occasion of his 60th birthday, 87-100.
  31. L. Engels, I. de Jong and G. J. Tretmans. Tangram: met modellen naar snellere integratie en test. Bits & Chips, 2007, 9, 32-35, 11.
  32. J. S. Fitzgerald, P. G. Larsen, S. Tjell and M. H. Verhoef G.. Validation support for distributed real-time embedded systemsin VDM++. Proceedings of 10th IEEE international symposium on high assurance system engineering (HASE), 2007, 331-340, IEEE, 10.1109/HASE.2007.76.
  33. I. Flesch, A. Fernandez and A. Salmeron. Incremental Supervised Classification for the MTE Distribution: a Preliminary Study. Congreso Espanol de Informatica (CEDI-2007), 2007, 217-224.
  34. I. Flesch and P. J. F. Lucas. Independence decomposition in dynamic Bayesian Networks. 9th European Conference of Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU-2007), 2007, LNAI , 4724 , 560-571, Springer, 10.1007/978-3-540-75256-1_50.
  35. I. Flesch and P. J. F. Lucas. Markov Equivalence in Bayesian Networks. Advances in Probabilistic Graphical Models, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin, 2007, P. J. F. Lucas, J.A. Gamez and A. Salmerón, 213, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 3-38, 10.1007/978-3-540-68996-6_1.
  36. I. Flesch, P. J. F. Lucas and T. P. van der Weide. Conflict-based diagnosis: adding uncertainty to model-based diagnosis. Proceedings of IJCAI-2007, 2007, 380-388, Morgan-Kaufman, San Francisco.
  37. I. Flesch, P. J. F. Lucas and Th. P. van der Weide. Probabilistic properties of model-based diagnostic reasoning in Bayesian networks. 19th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC-2007), 2007, 119-126.
  38. O. Florescu, J. P. M. Voeten, M. H. G. Verhoef and H. Corporaal. Reusing real-time systems design experience through modelling patterns. Advances in design and specification languages for embedded systems, Springer, 2007, 329-348, Berlin, 10.1007/978-1-4020-6149-3.
  39. L. Frantzen and G. J. Tretmans. Model-based testing of environmental conformance of components. Formal methods of components and objects:FMCO 2006, 2007, F. S. de Boer, M. M. Bonsangue, S. Graf and W.-P. de Roever, 4709, LNCS, 1-25, Springer.
  40. L. Frantzen and J. Tretmans. Model-Based Testing of Environmental Conformance of Components. Formal Methods for Components and Objects - 5^th Int.\ Symposium FMCO 2006, Revised Lectures, F.S. de Boer, M.M. Bosangue, S. Graf and W.-P. de Roever, 2007, 1-25, LNCS, 4709, Springer-Verlag.
  41. M. A. J. van Gerven. Bayesian Networks for Clinical Decision Support. Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2007, 978-90-9021999-9.
  42. M. A. J. van Gerven, F. J. D\'\iez, B. G. Taal and P. J. F. Lucas. Selecting treatment strategies with dynamic limited-memory influence diagrams. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2007, 40, 171-186, 3, 10.1016/j.artmed.2007.04.004.
  43. M. A. J. van Gerven, R. Jurgelenaite, B. G. Taal, T. M. Heskes and P. J. F. Lucas. Predicting carcinoid heart disease with the noisy-threshold classifier. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2007, 40, 45-55, May, 10.1016/j.artmed.2006.09.003.
  44. M.A.J. van Gerven. Approximate Inference in Graphical Models using Tensor Decompositions. Radboud University Nijmegen, 2007, ICIS-R07024, November.
  45. M.A.J. van Gerven. Tensor Decompositions for Probabilistic Classification. Radboud University Nijmegen, 2007, ICIS-R07011, May, Longer version of a short paper presented at IDAMAP 2007.
  46. B. van Gils, H. A. Proper, P. van Bommel and Weide, Th. P. van der. On the quality of resources on the web - an information retrieval perspective. Information Sciences, 2007, 177, 4566-4597, 21.
  47. B. van Gils, H. A. Proper, P. van Bommel and Th. Weide P. van der. Typing and transformational effects in complex information supply. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 2007, 16, 229-270, 2, June.
  48. D. Greefhorst, H. A. Proper and F. van den Ham. Principes: de hoeksteen voor architectuur; Verslag van een workshop op het Landelijk Architectuur Congres 2007. Via Nova Architectura, 2007.
  49. M. Gromov and T.A.C. Willemse. Testing and Model-Checking Techniques for Diagnosis. A. Petrenko, M. Veanes, J. Tretmans and W. Grieskamp, Testing of Software and Communicating Systems - 19^th IFIP TC 6/WG 6.1 Int.\ Conference, TestCom 2007, 7^th Int.\ Workshop, FATES 2007, 2007, LNCS, 4581, 138-154, Springer-Verlag.
  50. P. C. Groot. Experiences in Quality Checking Medical Guidelines using Formal Methods. Proceedings Verification and Validation of Software Systems (VVSS 2007), 2007, 164-178.
  51. R. Hamberg and F. W. Vaandrager. Using model checkers in an introductory course on operating systems. Radboud University, 2007, ICIS-R07031, Nijmegen, December.
  52. K. V. Hindriks, S. J. B. A. Hoppenbrouwers, Jonker, C. M. and D. Tykhonov. Automatic Issue Extraction from a Focused Dialogue. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB`07), 2007, LNCS, June.
  53. A. J. Hommersom, P. C. Groot, P. J. F. Lucas, Balser, M. and J. Schmitt. Combining task execution and background knowledge for the verification of medical guidelines. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2007, 20, 113-119, 2, July, 10.1016/j.knosys.2006.11.005.
  54. A. J. Hommersom, P. C. Groot, P. J. F. Lucas, Balser, M. and J. Schmitt. Verification of medical guidelines using background knowledge in task networks. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2007, 19, 832-846, 6, June, 10.1109/TKDE.2007.190611.
  55. M. Kamal, Davis, A., J., Nabukenya, J., Schoonover, V. T., Pietron, L., R. and de Vreede, G.-J.. Collaboration Engineering for Incident Response Planning: Process Development and Validation. Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS, 2007, 0, 1-10, May, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Hawaii Internationa, Radboud University Nijmegen.
  56. J.-P. Katoen, T. Kemna, I. Zapreev and D. N. Jansen. Bisimulation minimisation mostly speeds up probabilistic model checking. Tools and algorithms for the constructionand analysis of systems: TACAS, 2007, O. Grumberg and M. Huth, 4424, LNCS, 87-101, Berlin, Springer, 10.1007/978-3-540-71209-1_9.
  57. P. W. M. Koopman, P. M. Achten and M. J. Plasmeijer. Model-based testing of thin-client web applications and navigation input. Proceedings of the 8th symposium on trends in functional programming, TFP'07, 2007, Marco Morazán, New York, NY, USA, April  2-4,.
  58. P. W. M. Koopman, P. M. Achten and M. J. Plasmeijer. On the validation of specifications used in model-based testing. Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on the Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, IFL '07, 2007, Olaf Chitil, Technical report, No. 12-07, 230-231, Freiburg, Germany, 27-29,  September, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NF, UK.
  59. P. W. M. Koopman and M. J. Plasmeijer. Systematic synthesis of λ-terms. Reflections on type theory, λ-calculus, and the mind: essays dedicated to Henk Barendregt on the occasion of his 60th birthdayy, 2007, E. Barendsen, V. Capretta, J. H. Geuvers and M. Niqui, 211-222, December  17,.
  60. M. Layouni, J. J. M. Hooman and S. Tahar. Formal specification and verification of the intrusion-tolerant enclaves protocol. International Journal of Network Security, 2007, 5, 288-298, 3,
  61. N. A. Lynch, R. Segala and F. W. Vaandrager. Observing branching structure through probabilistic contexts. SIAM Journal on Computing, 2007, 37, 977-1013, 4, 10.1147/S0097539704446487.
  62. M. Velikova, N. de Carvalho Ferreira and P. J. F. Lucas. Bayesian network decomposition for modeling breast cancer detection. Proceedings AIME-2007, LNAI 4594, 2007, 346-350, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 10.1007/978-3-540-73599-1_47.
  63. M. Mekking, W. Wijngaards, F. W. Vaandrager and Th. E. Schouten. Formalizing SHIM6, a proposed internet standard in UPPAAL. VVSS 2007 (verification and validation of softwaresystems) symposium, 2007, Eindhoven, March, University of Technology,,
  64. M. J. de Mol, M. C. J. D. van Eekelen and M. J. Plasmeijer. Proving confluence of term-graph reduction for Sparkle. Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2007, Technical report, ICIS-R07012.
  65. M. J. de Mol, M. C. J. D. van Eekelen and M. J. Plasmeijer. The mathematical foundation of the proof assistant Sparkle. Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2007, Technical report, ICIS-R07025, November.
  66. J. Nabukenya, P. van Bommel and H. A. Proper. Repeatable Collaboration Processes for Mature Organizational Policy Making. Radboud University Nijmegen, 2007, ICIS-R07019, July.
  67. J. Nabukenya, G.-J. de Vreede and H. A. Proper. Research Methods for Collaboration Engineering: An Assessment of Applicability Using Collaborative Policy-Making Example. Radboud University Nijmegen, 2007, ICIS-R07010, May.
  68. J. Nabukenya, P. van Bommel and H. A. Proper. Collaborative IT Policy-making as a means of achieving Business-IT Alignment. Proceedings of the Workshop on Business/IT Alignment and Interoperability (BUSITAL'07), held in conjunctiun with the 19th Conference on Advanced Information Systems (CAiSE'07), Trondheim, Norway, 2007, B. Pernici and J.A. Gulla, 461-468, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim, Norway.
  69. J. Nabukenya, P. van Bommel and H. A. Proper. Repeatable Collaboration Processes for Mature Organizational Policy Making. Proceedings of the 14th Collaboration Researchers's International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG08), Omaha, Nebraska, USA, R.O. Briggs, G.J. de Vreede and A.S. Read, 2007, LNCS, 5411, 217-232, July, Springer, Radboud University Nijmegen.
  70. J. Nabukenya, P. van Bommel and H. A. Proper. Towards a Method for Collaborative Policy Making. Poster Proceedings of the IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Situational Method Engineering: Fundamentals and Experiences (ME07), Geneva, Switzerland, 2007, J. Ralyté, S. Brinkkemper and B. Henderson-Sellers, 4-12.
  71. J. Nabukenya, P. van Bommel, H. A. Proper and de Vreede, G.-J.. An Evaluation Instrument for Collaborative Processes: Application to Organizational Policy-Making. Radboud University Nijmegen, 2007, ICIS-R07017, July.
  72. J. Ngubiri and M. van Vliet. Group-wise performance evaluation of processor co-allocation in multi-cluster systems. Job scheduling strategies for parallel processing: 13th International Workshop (JSSPP 2007), 2007, 4942, LNCS, E. Frachtenberg and U. Schwiegelshohn, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 24-36, June 17.
  73. J. Ngubiri and M. van Vliet. Performance, fairness and effectiveness in space-slicing multi-cluster schedulers. Proceedings of the 19th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, 2007, S.Q. Zheng, 590-135, Calgary, AB, Canada: ACTA Press.
  74. M. Oostdijk, V. Rusu, G. J. Tretmans, R. G. de Vries and T. A. C. Willemse. Integrating verification, testing, and learning for cryptographic protocols. Integrated formal methods: IFM 2007, 2007, J. Davies andJ. Gibbons, 4591, LNCS, 538-557, Berlin, Springer.
  75. M. Op 't Land and H. A. Proper. Impact of Principles on Enterprise Engineering. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems, 2007, H. \"Osterle, J. Schelp and R. Winter, 1965-1976, June, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
  76. S. J. Overbeek. Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness of Knowledge Exchange between Knowledge Workers. ICFAI Journal of Knowledge Management, 2007, 5, 24-38, 1, January.
  77. S. J. Overbeek, P. van Bommel, H. A. Proper and Rijsenbrij, D. B. B.. Characterizing Knowledge Intensive Tasks indicating Cognitive Requirements - Scenarios in Methods for Specific Tasks. Proceedings of the IFIP TC8 / WG8.1 Working Conference on Situational Method Engineering: Fundamentals and Experiences, 2007, J. Ralyté, S. Brinkkemper and B. Henderson-Sellers, 244, 100-114, Geneva, Switzerland, Springer, Boston, USA.
  78. S. J. Overbeek, P. van Bommel, H. A. Proper and Rijsenbrij, D. B. B.. Characterizing Knowledge Intensive Tasks indicating Cognitive Requirements - Scenarios in Methods for Specific Tasks. Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2007, ICIS-R07005, February.
  79. S. J. Overbeek, P. van Bommel, H. A. Proper and Rijsenbrij, D. B. B.. Knowledge Discovery and Exchange - Towards a Web-based Application for Discovery and Exchange of Revealed Knowledge. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), 2007, J. Filipe, J. Cordeiro, B. Encarna\ccão and Pedrosa, V., 26-34, Barcelona, Spain, INSTICC Press, Setúbal, Portugal.
  80. S. J. Overbeek, P. van Bommel, H. A. Proper and Rijsenbrij, D. B. B.. Matching Cognitive Characteristics of Actors and Tasks. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: DOA, CoopIS, ODBASE, GADA, and IS, Vilamoura, Portugal, November 25 - 30, 2007, Proceedings, Part I, 2007, R. Meersman and T. Zari, 4803, LNCS, 371-380, Vilamoura, Portugal, Springer, Berlin, Germany.
  81. S. J. Overbeek, P. van Bommel, H. A. Proper and Rijsenbrij, D. B. B.. Visualizing Formalisms with ORM Models. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: OTM 2007 Workshops, Vilamoura, Portugal, November 25 - 30, 2007, Proceedings, Part I, 2007, R. Meersman, Z. Tari and P. Herrero, 4805, LNCS, 709-718, Vilamoura, Portugal, Springer, Berlin, Germany.
  82. P. C. Groot, A. J. Hommersom, P. J. F. Lucas, R. Serban, A. ten Teije and F. van Harmelen. The role of model checking in critiquing based on clinical guidelines. Proceedings AIME-2007, LNAI 4594, 2007, 411-420, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 10.1007/978-3-540-73599-1_55.
  83. P. Groot, C. Gilissen and M. Egmont-Petersen. Error Probabilities for Local Extrema in Gene Expression Data. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2007, 28, 15, 2133-2142, perry/publications/2007/PRL2007/groot-prl.pdf.
  84. A. Petrenko, M. Veanes, G. J. Tretmans and W. Grieskamp. Testing of software and communicating systems: hand-outs for the tutorial day of TestCom/FATES 2007. 2007, Tallinn, Estonia, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology, Technical report.
  85. A. Petrenko, M. Veanes, G. J. Tretmans and W. Grieskamp. Testing of software and communicating systems: work-in-progress and position papers, tool demonstrations, and tutorial abstracts of TestCom/FATES 2007. 2007, Tallinn, Estonia, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology, Technical report.
  86. M. J. Plasmeijer, P. M. Achten and P. W. M. Koopman. An introduction to iTasks: defining interactive work flows for the web. Proceedings of the 2nd Central European Functional Programming School, CEFP '07, 2007, 5161, LNCS, 1-40, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 23-30,  June, Springer-Verlag.
  87. M. J. Plasmeijer, P. M. Achten and P. W. M. Koopman. iTasks: executable specifications of interactive work flow systems for the web. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on functional programming, ICFP'07, 2007, 141-152, Freiburg, Germany, October  1-3,, ACM Press.
  88. M. J. Plasmeijer, Jan Martin Jansen, P. W. M. Koopman and P. M. Achten. Transparant Ajax and client-site evaluation of iTasks. Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on the Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, IFL '07, 2007, Olaf Chitil, Technical Report, No. 12-07, 252-253, Freiburg, Germany, 27-29,  September, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NF, UK.
  89. H. A. Proper. Veranderende wetten uitdaging voor IT'ers. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 2007, 15, zaterdag 9 juni.
  90. M. Samulski, N. Karssemijer, P. J. F. Lucas and Groot, P. C.. Classification of mammographic masses using support vector machines and Bayesian networks. Proceedings of SPIE, 2007, 6514, Medical Imaging, 10.1117/12.709679.
  91. J. Schmaltz. A formal model of clock domain crossingand automated verification of time-triggered hardware. Formal methods in computer aided design, 2007, J. Baumgartner and M. Sheeran, 223-230, IEEE Computer Society.
  92. J. Schmaltz. Formal specification and validation of minimal routing algorithms for the 2D mesh. 7th international workshop on the ACL2 theorem prover and its applications (ACL2'07), 2007, R. Gamboa, J. Sawada and J. Cowles, 40-49, ACM DL, ruben/acl2-07/uploads/Main/008.pdf.
  93. G. J. Tretmans. Tangram: an overview of the project and an introduction to the book. Tangram: model-based integration and testing of complex high-tech systems, 2007, G. J. Tretmans, 1-20, Eindhoven, Embedded Systems Institute, 1,
  94. M. H. G. Verhoef and P. G. Larsen. Interpreting distributed system architectures using VDM++:a case study. Proceedings of the conference onsystem engineering research: CSER 2007, 2007, Brian J. Sauser and Gerrit Muller, Hoboken, NY, Stevens Institute of Technology.
  95. M. H. G. Verhoef, P. Visser, J. J. M. Hooman and J. Broenink. Co-simulation of distributed embedded real-time control systems. Integrated formal methods: IFM07, 2007, 4591, LNCS, 639-658, Berlin, Springer, 10.1007/978-3-540-73210-5_33.
  96. S. Visscher, P. J. F. Lucas, I Flesch and K. Schurink. Using temporal context-specific independence information in the exploratory analysis of disease processes. Proceedings Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME) 2007, 2007, LNAI , 4594 , 87-96, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 10.1007/978-3-540-73599-1_10.
  97. E. de Vries, M. J. Plasmeijer and D. Abrahamson. Equality based uniqueness typing. Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming, TFP '07, 2007, Marco Morazán, New York, USA, 2-4,  April.
  98. Vries, de, E., Plasmeijer, R. and Abrahamson, . M.. Uniqueness Typing Simplified. Proceedings Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, 19th International Symposium, IFL 2007, Selected Papers, Olaf Chitil, 2007, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, LNCS, 5083, 201-218.
  99. R. Wagter, G. Nijkamp and H. A. Proper. GEA-Benchmark: Measuring cohesion. Ordina, 2007, White Paper, GEA-3, Utrecht, The Netherlands, In Dutch.
  100. R. Wagter, G. Nijkamp and H. A. Proper. Overview 1th Phase: General Enterprise Architecturing. Ordina, 2007, White Paper, GEA-1, Utrecht, The Netherlands, In Dutch.
  101. R. Wagter, G. Nijkamp and H. A. Proper. The Elements of the ``GEA-Structure''. Ordina, 2007, White Paper, GEA-2, Utrecht, The Netherlands, In Dutch.
  102. R. Wagter, G. Nijkamp, and H. A. Proper. Applying GEA to a business issue. Ordina, 2007, White Paper, GEA-5, Utrecht, The Netherlands, In Dutch.
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