The Person group pages within this wiki are used to manage the information of the people working in our department. People in the department can edit their info themselves when logged in with their science account. Entries in the Person's group should each be given an unique identifier. The idea is to define all contact info here, and then you can use it on any wiki page in the wiki. A person can then easily be shown on the department overview page, but also on the Researchers overview in each research theme.
The Person group divides the persons in our department into multiple database pages per category. It is easier to edit many small pages than one big page. You can add new database pages to this wiki's Person group and they will be automatically added to the database. Certain pages like this 'Description' page are excluded. The current page is always added to the database for the current page request only. This allows us to easily define custom groups only for that page in that page. So as an example: entries defined on this page are only available for viewing on this page, but not for any other wiki page.
Person info is entered within a wiki page in a container using the (:container:)
directive. The individual containers are given an automatic layout by nesting them in a (:containers:)
directive which does the layout.
The format used for editing personal info is pretty self-explanatory. By default, you get an anonymous picture. You can upload a profile picture to the Person group yourself via the Group ยท attach
command when logged in. The profile picture should be size 360x360. If sizing the picture is a problem, you can send it to Harco Kuppens which will then add it for you. Below is an example of the pmwiki markup, and directly below it is the formatted result.
(:containers cgid="supportingstaff" fmt="person" :) (:container cid="IB_":) :title: :name: Ingrid Berenbroek :function: management assistant :image: Ingrid_Berenbroek.jpg :home: https://www.ru.nl/en/people/berenbroek-i :scholar: :dblp: (:containerend:) (:container cid="JvG_":) :title: drs. :name: John van Groningen :function: scientific programmer :dblp: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/g/Groningen:John_H=_G=_van (:containerend:) (:container cid="HK_":) :title: drs. :name: Harco Kuppens :function: scientific programmer :image: Harco_Kuppens.jpg :home: http://www.cs.ru.nl/H.Kuppens/ :scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kHfW5y8AAAAJ :dblp: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/k/Kuppens:Harco (:containerend:) (:containersend:) |
The entries entered here get each a container id (cid
) and constitutes a database of person entries which can be used anywhere on the wiki to display persons. The database also supports grouping with a containers group id (cgid
Using a (:containersref:)
directive we can easily show a group by referring to its cgid
(:containersref cgid="supportingstaff" fmt="person" :) |
Using a (:containerref:)
directive we can easily show a person by referring to its cid
within a (:containers:)
(:containers fmt="person" :) (:containerref cid="HK_" :) (:containerref cid="IB_" :) (:containersend:) |
The fmt="person"
on the (:containers:)
or (:containersref:)
directive is needed to execute the special formatting for person data. Without the specified formatter the data would be interpreted as pmwiki markup instead, which would give you containers with a definition list as content:
(:containers :) (:containerref cid="HK_" :) (:containerref cid="IB_" :) (:containersend:) |
Using a (:containersgroup:)
directive we can easily define a custom group:
(:containersgroup cgid="customgroup" memberids="HK_,JvG_" :) (:containersref cgid="customgroup" fmt="person" :) |
We can always define custom person info without an identifier for a specific person, and use identifier for the other persons:
(:containers fmt="person" :) (:container:) :title: drs. :name: Harco Kuppens :function: Benevolent dictator for life :image: Harco_Kuppens.jpg :home: http://www.cs.ru.nl/H.Kuppens/ :scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kHfW5y8AAAAJ :dblp: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/k/Kuppens:Harco (:containerend:) (:containerref cid="IB_" :) (:containersend:) |
However with the (:containerrefext:)
directive we can easily extend the referred data with extra data given in this directive. Eg. can use it to easily display a person from the database but then with a different function for the local context then the general function for the whole department:
(:containers fmt="person" :) (:containerrefext cid="HK_":) :function: Benevolent dictator for life (:containerrefextend:) (:containerref cid="IB_" :) (:containersend:) |